
Showing posts from December, 2018

Cross Domain Webix Post

Recently, we were working with Spring Boot and Webix framework using Ajax. We had quite some trouble to POST data back to the Server with Spring Boot.  Error: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:7100' is therefore not allowed access. We realized the problem was because of our AJAX cross-domain requests that are forbidden by default by the same-origin security policy. Since browsers need to “preflight” any asynchronous or rather HTTP request methods that modify data and also fetch an “approval” the problem had to be addressed both way i.e. Server side and Browser i)                     We had to enable the CORS assertion in Spring Boot i.e. @CrossOrigin(*) ii)                    Enable Cross-origin resource shar...

Plastic Solution

যেখানে দেখিবে চাই উড়াইয়া দেখো তাই The first plastic eating bacteria ( Ideonella Sakaiensis 201-F6 ) was discovered in a Japanese waste dump. Some Statistics: Global Plastic Production : 8-10 Billion Tonnes per Year with only 8-10 % possible Recycling. PET (polyethylene terephthalate): Natural degradation 450 years 6% of global oil production is devoted to the production of plastics. Solution to the problem: 1)       Ideonella Sakaiensis 201-F6 (Bacterium): Produces enzymes to breakdown PET (PolyEthylene Terephthalate) . Scientists have already enhanced this natural enzyme and produced mutant enzymes that is far superior in the job. 2)       Waxworm Caterpillars (Galleria Mellonella): Each Waxworm can create an average of 2.2 holes per hour and break down plastic in a matter of hours—about a hundred waxworms could eat 96 milligrams of plastic in 12 hours, to be precise. 3)    ...

Happiness Index

Are you and your nation happy? What is your GNH ( Gross National Happiness ) Index? Keep an eye on the factors that governs happiness…i.e. Freedom of Choice, Trust, Generosity, GDP etc.… Denmark is the happiest nation with Israel at 13 th , USA at 14 th , UK at 23 rd and China at 83rd position (as in 2016). India , at 118 th on GNH . For some more information….. There is also another statistical dispersion parameter called GINI : GINI Coefficient governs the “the inequality among values of a frequency distribution (for example, levels of income)” or in other words i.e. “ opportunity in-equality ”, “ income in-equality ” etc. The lower the GINI the better. Australia leads with Israel at 16 th , China at 32 nd , UK at 33 rd and USA at 34 th (as per 2009 report). India at 79 th on GINI .